SUB-ZERO It is believed that this warrior is a member of the Lin Kuei, a legendary clan of Chinese ninjas. He killed Scorpion in battle years ago, and is now haunted by his ghost. Although bitter enemies with Scorpion, he finds himself forced to fight side by side with his foe in the dark service of the demon sorcerer Shang Tsung, who has "enslaved" them with his mysterious powers. Although Sub-Zero's actual origins are shrouded in mystery, one fact is well known; should you cross him in any way, his deep freeze will leave you helplessly frozen. Portrayed By: Francois Petit, a world class martial artist who holds the title of KaiDen-Shihan, which is the highest title of Master in Jujitsu in the world. He also holds a 7th degree black belt in Ninjitsu, a 7th degree black belt in Karate Do, and a 3rd degree Black Belt in Judo.